(This post was begun on Aug. 31st, 2011 - it is a number of unfinished posts that I will be bringing forth.)
Internal Consciousness And The Phillips Phenomenology
Internal Consciousness And The Phillips Phenomenology
First, short of `stopping the world' as Don Juan of Carlos Castaneda fame used to say; we humans have virtually NO access to our actualizing `now' (which is really `the current space') - which exists with the `space' of our body/mass. ' Indeed, our human consciousness is uniquely presented as part of `what we are' - and located with `US'/ourselves. AT or WITHIN our body is the normal experience for self-awareness.
We also know that our `instantaneous' self - `runs off' and is replaced with that new `actualized space' of the `instantaneous'. And so on...... and so on. -------- While we `intellectually know' that all datum of our senses, having `arrived after' lights `bounce' and the accompaning sensory data translation which happens instantaneously from our brains - BUT, AFTER translation, of data that has already `actualized' within `anothers space' that is within our common field of perceptions with all other `spaces' (with consciousness within them).
In other words, the `data' our eyes percieve is already `in the past' and are the showing of the `run off' of those spaces as light actualizes them for others consciousness. Which brings up the first mental mindbender - others `run off' PAST - PROVIDES our individual `future'/now perceptions.
Yes, everyone's `run off past' - is the only perceptual path to the `future' - or is it?
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